For the past 13 years, Interfaith Partners of South Carolina (IPSC) has enjoyed a warm association with the Peace and Integration Council of North America (PICNA), supporting each other in our mutual mission of building a peaceful society through engagement with faith-based congregations and organizations. Our shared goals have made IPSC and PICNA natural allies and partners for programs, and during occasional difficult community issues.
Unity Productions Foundation (UPF) and PICNA co-host a Unique Lecture EventFrom the days of enslaved Muslims and isolated white converts to the appearance of single mosques populated by Asian, African, and Latin American immigrants, Islam has produced perhaps the most ethnically diverse religious community in the United States. This lecture surveys the history of the changing dynamics of US Muslim ethnicity, and what American Islam’s great diversity has meant both for the religion itself and for the role of ethnic identity in the larger American cultural context.
City of Rockhill and South Carolina Human Affairs Commission Co-Host PICNA Presentation on Islam and MuslimsPICNA's partnership and engagement with various civic entities and law enforcement agencies is indeed paying dividends. Such a relationship started during a PICNA Presentation earlier this year at South Carolina Law Enforcement Division where SC Human Affairs Commission's (SCHAC) delegation was invited to attend. ![]() Years of Effort Bear FruitAs part of its vision and mission, PICNA has been exploring prospects of cooperation with the school system in South Carolina for the last few years. Various school districts have dedicated departments for diversity, equity and inclusion and PICNA has been gradually developing relations with them.
SCETV Holds a Program on Challenges of a Muslim CommunityOn Thursday, November 9, 2023, SCETV arranged a screening of the first episode of a documentary - 'A Town Called Victoria', followed by a Panel Discussion on the theme as related to our local Muslim Community.
For the last few years PICNA has been providing valuable Diversity Training to various Law Enforcement Agencies in South Carolina, including Richland County Sheriff Department, Columbia and Lexington Police Departments and, most importantly, FBI Columbia Division.
Local Police Department and Sheriff's Office Participate in Recruiting EventMasjid Noor Ul Huda, a prominent SC mosque has been partnering with PICNA on scores of faith based programs and initiatives over the years. One of the mosque's most popular programs is their Family Night held on the last Saturday of every month to address a variety of community issues and needs.
PICNA's Impact on Community and Law Enforcement HighlightedSCVAN - South Carolina Victim Assistance Network, presented a 'Faith Leaders Compassion Award' to Chaudhry Sadiq, PICNA President at a Luncheon Award Ceremony in Columbia on 24th April, 2023. The Award ceremony was the highlight of SCVAN's Victim Rights Week held at the Double Tree Hilton Hotel, that was attended by high ranking officials of the State Government.
PICNA and Masjid Noor Ul Huda organize an Event Highlighting 'Islam and the Environment Challenge'The interfaith community of South Carolina has been celebrating January as 'Interfaith Harmony Month' for many years and PICNA has always taken the opportunity to represent Islam and Muslims by organizing educational and informational programs during this month. This year, too, PICNA came up with a unique subject 'Islam and the Environment Challenge' and held the program in collaboration with Masjid Noor Ul Huda on Saturday, January 28, 2023. Mouhamadou Niang, Founder and Executive Director of 'Muslims 4 the Environment' based in Raleigh, NC, was the Guest Speaker.
‘Understanding Islam and Muslims’ Presentation Gains Popularity In the series of Diversity Training Programs being offered by PICNA to local Law Enforcement Agencies, the Lexington Police Department hosted an event on Friday, September 2, 2022. Entitled ‘Understanding Islam and Muslims’, this was first of the two training sessions the Department has organized for their management and employees. ![]() The program was very well attended with about 50 participants who keenly followed the presentation. A senior official from South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED), also attended as an observer as that department is also planning to hold such an event in the near future. Lexington Police Chief Terrence Green welcomed PICNA President Chaudhry Sadiq and highlighted the value of such a unique program. The presentation deals with basic concepts, beliefs and practices of Islam and Muslims as well as Muslim demographics aground the world and in the USA. |
Our Vision
To be a catalyst for world peace and harmony in society Our Mission Strive for peace, harmony, goodwill and understanding between people of all faiths and cultures, facilitate interfaith dialog and enlighten society about true Islamic values and principles Our Core Values Peace Love Moderation Integration Knowledge Archives
January 2025
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